Weequahic Park Sports Authority
2023 Safe Streets Youth Memorial Basketball Classic (1)
vie, 17 nov
This section is for fans to register for tickets. All spectators will enter the venue through the Skybridge attached to the parking lot on the 4th level of the parking deck. Seating: is in sections 7,8,9 There are 250 free tickets to this event. Additional tickets are at a cost.

Horario y ubicación
17 nov 2023, 5:00 p. m. – 10:00 p. m.
Newark, 25 Lafayette St, Newark, NJ 07102, USA
Acerca del evento
HONORS COMMUNITY RESILIENCE AT THE PRUDENTIAL CENTER Newark, NJ – [November 14, 2023] – The 2023 Safe Streets Youth Memorial Basketball Classic is set to take center stage at the renowned Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, on Friday, November 17, 2023, from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM. This event stands as a testament to the resilience and strength of the community, providing a platform for local youth to unite through the power of basketball.
Date: Friday, November 17, 2023 Time: 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM Location: Prudential Center, Newark, NJ
Event Details: The Safe Streets Youth Memorial Basketball Classic is not just a sporting event; it is a memorial honoring the lives lost to street violence and a celebration of the community's commitment to creating safer streets for its youth.
The door opens at 4:30 pm. - Event Starts at 5 pm. to 10 pm.
Please note: this is for fans/spectators only and not the official schedule of all activities at the event.
When: Please aim to arrive at least 30 minutes ahead of your slated game time. This will ensure that your team is given ample time to warm up and that you’ll be able to find seating and get situated. Our photographer will also look to get photos of your team before, during, and after your game. Guests should please be prepared for a brief backup (as all participants, teams, and their families will be lined up for check-in at the same time); we will make sure that the players and their families are in place before game time!
Parking and Entry: Parking is $5, and is located in the Hyundai Parking Deck. All spectators will park here and enter the venue through the Skybridge attached to the parking lot on the 4th level of the parking deck.
Seating: Seating will be located in sections 7, 8, & 9. Check-In: This is a step-by-step overview of the check-in process. • Arrive at the stadium
• Enter through Skybridge Entrance • At entry, you will encounter Event check-in. Here, you may encounter a short line, as Playbook representatives work to verify registration for the event.
• Please simply provide your name and the number of passes you purchased to the representative at check-in, and you’ll be all set! If prompted for additional confirmation, please feel free to show a confirmation email or other proof of purchase. • Players and Coaches will enter through the same entrance. Concession: Concessions are not open for this event, but outside food and beverage is allowed to be brought in. Please do not bring alcohol in!
11/17/2023 – Friday Division 12 U Game Time Slots 5:00 Pm to 6:00 Pm 11/17/2023 -
Friday Date Time Location Away Home Score
5:05 PM Essex County Hornets 12U vs Pushing For Greatness 12u
5:30 PM Discipline 12u vs Weequahic Park 12u
11/17/2023 – Friday Division 14 U Game Time Slots 6:00 P.m. to 7:30 P.m. Score
6:00 PM Pushing for Greatness14u vs OTD Athletics
6:30 PM Weequahic Park 14u vs The Future 14u
7:00 PM Puerto Rico 14u vs Team Safe Streets 14u
Time Location Away Home INTERMISSION TIME 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm
8:00 PM The Munn Stars 17u vs Essex County Hornets 17u
8:30 PM City Boys 17u vs Weequahic Park17u
9:00 PM Team Safe Parks 17 u vs Team Safe Street 17u
4 horas 30 minutosGuests Information
25 Lafayette St, Newark, NJ
2023 Safe Streets Basketball
This ticket is for fans to attend the 2023 Safe Streets Memorial Basketball Classics.
0,00 US$Entradas agotadas
Este evento está agotado